Awareness & advocacy · Giveaways

Luke’s 2nd Diaversary Giveaway: $5 Starbucks Gift Card

Our first giveaway is a $5.00 Starbucks electronic gift card. I don’t know about you, but I’ve become pretty dependent on caffeine since Luke’s diagnosis. Starbucks is always a pick-me-up! My absolute favorite is a salted caramel mocha, but it’s seasonal! When it’s not fall, I order a mocha with caramel syrup or a Cool Lime Refresher.


Luke has even enjoyed a frappuccino every once in awhile! His norm is vanilla bean, but he’s really grown to love the s’mores frap that’s out the summer.


To enter to win $5.00 at Starbucks, so you can order your favorite drink, comment below and tell me what you would order at Starbucks today. A winner will randomly be drawn on Tuesday, June 20, 2017. Good luck!

21 thoughts on “Luke’s 2nd Diaversary Giveaway: $5 Starbucks Gift Card

  1. Congrats on your anniversary! Mine will be December 30 for 30 years. I also take care of my elderly mom (and homeschool my kids), so I would get her a cold, fruity drink.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I would take my 7yr old daughter there, and get her something gluten free. She was diagnosed a few months ago with Celiac disease, so she feels “cheated ” a lot when we are out and about. I totally understand how she feels, though. I felt the same way when I was diagnosed with type 1 almost 23 1/2 years ago.


    1. Aw, I can’t imagine! My niece hasn’t been officially dx with Celiac (yet), but she’s trying to keep a gluten-free diet. It just makes her feel better! But it’s SO hard!


  3. I would order a Caramel macchiato! Iced or hot, just depending on my mood sometimes I even splurge and add a shot of espresso or two 😬! As a mother of a t1d I need the caffeine after a rough night of low blood sugars!! 😉


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